And they said it was easy

Daniel santos
1 min readDec 10, 2020

Most sections of this internship have taken at least a few hours to complete. Oh but not setting this dang UI. Mistake after mistake in my coding. The mistakes usually were a missing or misguided reference to the same script or others. Simple caps, underscore, or space out of place. Easy fixes but the sheer volume of them was a hindrance. Today I was able to code the score function, the restart after game over function, as well as disappearing icons. The scoring function isn’t working. Also just when I finished coding the restart scene into the game now my main player wont despawn. Along with my new desktop not having a mic its been a bit rough for a newbie today. Hopefully this struggle will help my skills as a coder. Today I mastered using coroutines. I've said it before and ill say it again, god willing ill be able to put some effects in my game tomorrow.

